Spring Cleaning: Vanity Edition
Ever since we entered March, I have been on a spring cleaning kick! There is no better feeling than refreshing your space as the outside world becomes brighter and warmer. While I am currently in the process of reviving the whole apartment, one of my first tasks was cleaning my vanity. I have been avoiding cleaning my vanity for months, so I wanted to share the process of how I cleaned mine to help you get a head start!
Tips and Tricks
Clear the Entire Space
When it was time to start cleaning my vanity, I knew everything had to GO! I have tried to organize my vanity SO many times without clearing the products out and just trying to rearrange them in the drawers. For a spring cleaning, that won't fly. Instead, take every single thing off of the top of the vanity and clear the drawers completely. By having an empty space that looks brand new, you'll be able to plan where you want everything and how much space you actually have to work with!
Separate Products
The worst part about a disorganized vanity is not knowing where anything is and having products thrown everywhere. When I was clearing out my vanity, I organized the products into separate areas based on whether or not they were makeup products or skincare products. By doing this step, I made it SO much easier to organize the products in the drawers now that I knew what went where and what had to fit. If you’re someone who is visual like me, this step is vital in the cleaning process!
Discard Expired Products
This is SUPER important: throw away expired products! I can't tell you how many times I have found random old makeup thrown in my vanity that I totally ignore and pretend I didn't see it. Not only are these expired products taking up unnecessary space, they aren't even usable! The thought of putting makeup on my skin that expired YEARS ago sends shivers down my spine. While you're getting rid of expired products, make sure to also throw products out that are empty or ones you plan on never using again!
Clean Everything
Once your vanity is empty, it is time to do a deep clean! While it's obvious you'll want to vacuum out the drawers and wipe down the top of the vanity, don't stop there! Makeup products can get super messy, so make sure to wipe down products that are dirty and can transfer the product onto others or into the clean drawer! If you're using organizational tools (which you should be!), make sure to wipe those down, too. Spring cleaning means making sure every last nook and cranny is clean, so now is not the time to skip certain steps!
Utilize Organizational Tools
I have had organizational boxes in my vanity for years. However, I wasn't utilizing them properly. The point of these containers is to make sure every single product has a home that makes it easily accessible and keeps everything looking neat and tidy. I fell into the habit of shoving products wherever there was room, so make sure you have enough containers to fit all your products and keep them condensed. I find a lot of my organizational products at HomeGoods or T.J.Maxx, but I've also linked some of my favorite products below!
Essentials Products
When I start spring cleaning, I am SO excited for the amazing season ahead of us! I hope this blog post helps you get a jumpstart on cleaning your space and makes you feel refreshed!