LoveShackFancy Meet and Greet Recap
One of THE best days I've had this year was at my meet and greet this past weekend with LoveShackFancy! This is my third time getting the chance to spend a day with my lovely viewers, and seeing all of you in person fills my heart with so much joy. While so many of us were able to chat and shop together, I thought I would do a little recap on the blog for those of you who couldn't make it! If you want to see even more of the meet and greet, check out my YouTube video!
I started the day by getting ready in New York City, and I was filled with all the nerves! I always get the jitters before an event like this because I am so excited to meet everyone and just get the day started! Will and my assistant, Rachel, were coming along with me to help get content, and I was so happy they were able to be there and support me!
We took the train to Greenwich, and let me tell y'all, Rachel and I almost missed getting off the train. As soon as Will stepped outside the train doors, they began to close. Thankfully, we stopped the door and safely exited the train, but I was scared for a minute! Our bad luck continued after this, as I desperately needed a Starbucks pick-me-up, but the local one was closed for renovation. Thankfully, those were the only two mishaps of the day!
Once we got to LoveShackFancy, I felt all my nerves fade away! I was able to walk around, and I found the most gorgeous white dress I knew I had to wear for the meet-and-greet. The best part was the lovely team at LSF made sure to play Taylor Swift throughout the day! I have to extend the biggest thank you to the team at LSF and Juliette for hosting me and being SO lovely and welcoming every single time. They are the reason I am able to meet all of you, so a huge thank you to them again for hosting our girl gang!
After putting on some finishing touches to my outfit, it was time for the event to begin! As I look back on the day, I can't help but get the biggest smile on my face. Over these past couple of years, my viewers have been my constant support system and mean the absolute world to me. It always feels like the biggest gift when I get to finally put faces to the comments on the screen, and I get so emotional thinking about how much I love you guys! You all have given me the opportunity of a lifetime, and I will never stop being grateful for every single one of you!
After spending an amazing couple of hours with all of you, it was time to go! Of course, I had to do some shopping before I left, because all of you were leaving with such CUTE stuff I had to check it out for myself. After treating myself, Will, Rachel, and I ate at this delicious local Mexican restaurant and chatted endlessly about how amazing the day was! We may have even talked about planning my next meet and greet…
I can't express my gratitude enough to LoveShackFancy and all of you for believing in me and helping me live out my dreams! If there's one thing I learned from experiences like this, it's to always be the girl that just went for it! You never know what the future has in store!