Rush Q&A

Summer is almost over, which means rush is right around the corner! It feels like yesterday I was rushing at The University of Alabama and finding my home in Pi Phi. As the week approaches, I thought it would be fun to answer my most asked questions about rush week on the blog! I hope my answers help give you some peace of mind as you prepare to find your sisters! 

What day of rush was your favorite? 

I loved Philanthropy Day! This is a day where you learn about the service the sororities endorse and the organizations they fundraise for and support throughout the semester. Personally, I was looking for a more "hands-on" philanthropy, where it was a cause I could help in person rather than fundraise throughout the year. I fell in love with my sorority's philanthropy and how we could go into schools and help children. It was a highlight throughout my college career!

What would you do differently if you had the chance to rush again? 

I wouldn't change a single thing about my rush experience! I listened to my gut, wore what I loved, and got my top house. Most importantly, I made deep connections with the girls that would become my future sisters. Remember, this is YOUR rush experience, so don't listen to someone telling you to change something or say certain things to fit in. However, if I had to change one thing, I would say to use humidity spray in my hair. I didn't even realize this was a thing until this year, and it would have been a lifesaver.

What were the benefits of being in a sorority while attending college and were these benefits clear during rush? 

I will always say that sororities are what you make of them. If you take opportunities, go to the house frequently, and attend events, the benefits and experiences will be worth the money you're paying. I firmly believe my freshman year was great because of my sorority. I jumped into a big friend group, went to social events, met other people in Panhellenic, was encouraged to join clubs, and felt like it made the college transition easier for me. Everyone will have different perspectives on what benefits are, and while many benefits may not be announced during rush, any and all benefits that are meant for you will find you. Most importantly, I saw major post-grad benefits during interviews for pageants and meeting other girls, as being in a sorority is an instant connection to a stranger.


How did you know what to wear during rush?

During rush, I wore what made me feel most confident and represented my style. Do not change your style to "fit in" during rush. If you like wearing certain colors, prints, or styles, WEAR THEM! Embrace who you are, and your personality will be the best accessory you can wear. Don't fall for the girls telling you you need to wear designer clothes or certain brands to be in a sorority (and um if they are, don't rush their sorority). During my rush experience, I wore clothes from Ross, Target, TJMaxx, and second-hand. What matters is the girl in the dress, remember that. If you need some outfit inspiration, check out my blog post on a full lookbook for this year. I gathered things from a wide price range to fit whatever budget you have set for yourself!

How do you know you’ve found your home in a sorority?

For me, it was how easy the conversations were that I had with the girls during rush. I had a connection to all the girls I was talking to during recruitment, and I felt like the feeling was mutual. The girls I talked to made me feel seen and loved, but most importantly, I could see myself being true friends with them too. I knew I would be able to walk around the sorority house with no makeup, go to the girls when I had a bad day, and lean on my sisters when I needed support. My sorority accepted me for who I was, not for what I could offer them, what my parents did, or what I was wearing. They liked me for just being me!

Is rushing expensive as everyone says it is? 

The price of rushing is going to depend on what university you attend. For Alabama, it was a pretty hefty fee just to rush. The fee didn't include any dues associated with being a member. I recommend looking at your Panhellenic website to look at any possible rushing fees you might have to pay. The real fees come with dues, aka the money you pay to be a part of your sorority. At Alabama, our fees were a few thousand dollars a semester, but it covered your meals, housing, date parties, sisterhood events, and more. A lot of sororities do offer payment plans or scholarships (you can discuss this during rush when the sorority talks about dues). Being a part of a sorority is a big financial responsibility, so before rushing, I recommend researching what you'd be comfortable spending per semester. 


What was your makeup routine during the week?

I stuck with my typical makeup routine! My everyday look included foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, mascara, lipstick, etc. Do not try new makeup during the week of rush, as it is not the time to experiment! I encourage you to practice the makeup you plan to do during the week in advance to guarantee you like it. If you're rushing somewhere hot (the majority of the SEC), blotting sheets and a good setting spray are a must!

What is the process of obtaining recommendation letters? Does the relationship with the person matter?

Recommendation letters aren't as important as they once were, and honestly, the relationship with the person writing your letter doesn't matter! I made a shareable post on my Facebook page with a little description about my intent to rush at The University of Alabama. Through this post, my goal was to get two recommendation letters per house that I was going to be meeting during the week. If you go into rush with the mindset of only wanting certain houses (which is not the right mindset), ensure you are always treating the alum with respect! I put everything my recommenders needed in a folder, pre-labeled the envelope, and paid for postage, so all they needed to do was drop it in their mailbox. However, some sororities require virtual recommendation letters.

How did you stay organized during rush week? 

If you are rushing early in the school year or before school starts, organization is KEY! Before rush, plan out your outfits to the best of your ability (I totally recommend having options just in case!), but make sure you have at least one solid outfit per day. When I moved into my dorm, I packed all my rush clothes, jewelry, shoes, and even my steamer in a separate box. By doing this, I knew exactly where everything was and was even able to steam everything so it was ready to go. During the week, I would always unpack and repack my bag to replenish the things I ran out of, charge my handheld fan, and clear out trash, so I could have a sense of comfort that I had everything I needed for success.


What helped you calm your nerves and stress throughout the week? 

Encouraging words and quotes from Pinterest! I made sure to share whatever I was reading on my social media to help inspire any of my other friends rushing. Every morning, I would wake up, go on Pinterest, and read a few quotes that resonated with me. I also prayed throughout the week and knew that wherever God wanted me to be so I could grow, He would plant me there. A quote that helped me throughout the week (as silly as it sounds) was: "You can't be everyone's Chick-fil-A sauce." Think about it. There are so many great sauces at Chick-fil-A, but I would go to great lengths to say that Chick-fil-A sauce is the best. However, someone else might say that the Polynesian sauce is the best, and others might choose BBQ. The point is, you're not going to be everyone's favorite, but someone will LOVE you the most, and you'll love them back!

What are the best ways to keep the active members engaged and help your conversation stand out? 

When I was on the other side of rushing, I would instantly know if the girl wanted to be there and talk to me or not. However, it was my job to give every girl the same energy and love as if my sorority was their dream house. If the girl I was talking to knew she didn't want to rush Pi Phi, I always brought up other things to talk about other than rush. Like I said before, you can't be everyone's Chick-fil-A sauce, and the same goes for sorority houses. Conversations that stood out to me during rush were when girls were engaged and interested in what I had to say, and I could tell they wanted to know more by asking specific questions that weren't generic.

What are some tips you have to make yourself stand out as the week progresses? 

Tell the houses when you LOVE them! It is so important to never assume a house knows how much you are prioritizing them. There are a lot of factors that go into making the bid day list, and if you're open about your love for the girls, philanthropy, and sisterhood, you are setting yourself up for success. One thing a girl said to me during preference was how noticeably happy I was when I walked into Pi Phi and how happy the other girls in Pi Phi were to see me back. What she said was true, as I was always looking forward to seeing Pi Phi on my schedule, and my genuine enthusiasm was key in helping me make the list!

Rush week is going to be SO memorable for you. Don't let anyone take your joy away, and do not compare your journey to other girls on social media. You may want to cry, scream, jump up and down, call your best friend, and smile like you've never smiled before. Validate all of the emotions: the good, the bad, and the ugly. If you're looking for some more inspiration, check out my letter to the girl rushing. I wish you the very best during your rush week, and always be the girl that just went for it!


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