2025 Reset Routine
There is no better time to reset than at the beginning of the year! I love getting organized and completing all my errands at the start of January because it makes me feel ahead of the game. I have so many goals and visions for the new year, and to help complete those dreams, I start with a clean slate! If you're looking for a refresh at the start of 2025, this is the ideal blog for you!
Completing Errands and Chores
Christmas Returns
The first thing we want to do to reset for the new year is finish any Christmas errands. For me, this included putting together all my gift returns and taking them to the post office. There is nothing worse than clutter in the house, so eliminate anything that is taking up unnecessary space! This is also the time to complete any other errands you’ve been putting off.
Canceling Subscriptions
I can't tell y'all how many times I realized I was paying for a subscription service I didn't even use. All these forgotten expenses add up, so take the time to go through your bank account and cancel payments for anything you no longer use. I even canceled my dental insurance because it never covered what I needed to be done!
Cleaning the Apartment
Do the Laundry
Once you've finished all your errands, it is time to start cleaning! I always like to start my cleaning routine with my laundry because if I have multiple loads, I can space them out throughout the day. When I start cleaning, I turn on my cleaning playlist and get motivated for the long cleaning day ahead!
Clean the Kitchen
The holiday season can make my kitchen the messiest room in the house, so I make sure to deep clean it. This year, cleaning my kitchen took a lot longer than I expected, but it felt as new as when we moved into the apartment! Plus, a clean kitchen means a clean mind when it's time to cook dinner!
Create a Cozy Living Room Space
After Christmas, our living room looks a little sad without all of the decorations. To try and combat the empty feeling, I like to give my living room a refresh by fluffing the pillows, cleaning the blankets, and lighting a new candle that isn't seasonal. I'm all about creating a cozy space that brings me joy, and I love the feeling of a refreshed living room!
Put Away Christmas Decorations
Speaking of Christmas decorations, make sure you have taken everything down. Personally, I feel like my house is brand new after taking all of the decorations down, even if it is a little sad. My space always feels more open, which helps me get into a brand-new mindset for the year ahead. Plus, doing one last sweep will prevent you from finding decorations well after you have packed everything else away!
Self-Care Time
Now that your space is clean, it is time for the best part of a reset day: self-care! There is nothing I love more than taking an everything shower, tanning, and putting on a face mask to unwind after a long day. You've done all the hard work to reset your life, so now start to relax and reap the benefits of everything you did!
2025 Goals
While I created a vision board before the year started, I also think it is super important to write specific goals down. I separated my goals into personal and career, and while some were big dreams, others were simple daily tasks to help make my days better! No matter what you choose to write down, having a list of what you want to achieve can be inspiring for the year ahead.
Quiet Night In
To finish a reset day, lay back on your couch and relax! When Will came home, he asked if I wanted to watch Wicked, and of course, the only right answer was YES! We made a delicious dinner and ate it on the couch in our coziest pajamas. It was such a relaxing way to end a day full of cleaning and goal-setting!
There is nothing better than a fresh start to a new year! I hope my reset routine inspired you, and if you're interested in seeing more of my day, check out my Reset Routine vlog!